The solution?
Leave it.
We’re not saying you should storm out of the building, waving your fists in the air. No, instead we’re suggesting you should just work breaks into your daily routine, as studies have suggested the creativity and enthusiasm gained from periods of not working will have a positive effect on your work life. It’s not just flashy lab scientists recognising this either - Patagonia, a surf-wear company, orders staff to leave the office and go surfing whenever the surfs up. They do this because they realise the best ideas don’t happen when you’re sitting at your desk - They happen when you’re experiencing something new or out in nature.
We’re not saying you should storm out of the building, waving your fists in the air. No, instead we’re suggesting you should just work breaks into your daily routine, as studies have suggested the creativity and enthusiasm gained from periods of not working will have a positive effect on your work life. It’s not just flashy lab scientists recognising this either - Patagonia, a surf-wear company, orders staff to leave the office and go surfing whenever the surfs up. They do this because they realise the best ideas don’t happen when you’re sitting at your desk - They happen when you’re experiencing something new or out in nature.
Across all
industries we are beginning to see more and more of this behaviour: Jeff Goodby
of Goodby Silverstein and Partners paints rocks
to look like fruit, whilst brand director James Townsend
produces classical music in his spare time. Why? Because the idea that
furthering your ambitions comes from pursuing the same repetitive tasks day
after day is simply not relevant to modern society. In fact some of the
greatest technologies and cultural staples were side projects – social media
giant ‘Twitter’ started as just a quirky idea. The
power of time out, coupled with the genius of a side project may produce work
that inspires and moves yourself and others.
So think about
how you could use this Christmas break wisely. Take an idea that’s been in your
head and get it down on paper. Start a side project or get out into nature and
experience new things - then use that inspiration to generate fresh ideas to
kick start 2014 when you return to the office in January.